

This category contains 162 posts

Would you feed your dog or cat an insect based food?

I can make a lot of changes to my own diet in order to improve my personal sustainability. Some of these, like reducing animal products are relatively straightforward. I just need to make sure that I meet my nutrition requirements and then cutting back on things like meat or dairy is pretty easy. But, I … Continue reading

Mental health and climate change

I was reviewing student work on climate change a few weeks ago and realized that it was taking a toll on my mental health. The activity in question, asks students to create, take, or find an image that conveys something about climate change. I’ve had this activity in my course for a number of semesters … Continue reading

We don’t really know how to get people to bike commute

I have three general approaches to finding topics to write about here. I search recent research on a general topic, I look up answers on a specific question that someone asked me, or I go down a rabbit hole where one question leads to the next and the next. Designing research studies can be similar, … Continue reading

What would get you to bike?

I already bike for fun and to commute. Am I thrilled with all the available or, as the case may be absent, infrastructure for cycling? Of course not. Changes to the network though have changed my routes but not my participation. However, there are lots of people who have shared with me that they are … Continue reading

My mental health is better when I bike, yours could be too

I notice a significant difference in my mental health when I bike to work compared to driving or taking transit. I’m more relaxed and more focused. Getting up for a workout when I work from home helps but it is not the same. When I bike, I get exercise, but it is different because I … Continue reading

Can flagship individuals support conservation?

You may have had your heartstrings pulled by the image of a starving polar bear in the Arctic. You may have even donated to an organization to get a cute stuffed animal that is your favourite. These are examples of flagship species. Flagship species are ones that can Garner attention and support. Most often they … Continue reading

Thanks, but I am human and will be wearing my bike helmet

This report has been doing the rounds about people perceiving cyclists wearing safety gear as less human. I wanted to go to the original article so that I didn’t get any of the media’s spin, but it turns out there wasn’t a lot of spin. But let’s start at the beginning. Delbosc and colleagues (2019) … Continue reading

Culture matters when it comes to winter cycling

I was talking with someone recently who said that all on road bike lanes should only exist for the non-winter months. It doesn’t make sense, in their opinion, to block part of a road off when so few people cycle. The problem is that even fewer people will cycle if there is no infrastructure, so … Continue reading

Why bike to work?

I often get asked why I bike commute. For me, there are multiple factors including getting exercise, having a smaller environmental impact, saving money, avoiding people (both other drivers and other transit riders), and having more control over my schedule. There’s other things too like getting outside and appreciating where I live in a more … Continue reading

Will you cycle more post-pandemic?

I was an avid bike commuter. Then I broke my wrist on a bike commute so I switched to transit. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020 I switched back to my bike. This year, I made the switch for winter as well. So, what are the factors that influence someone to ride their bike … Continue reading

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